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Editor in Chief Area

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area

Sign in with your account and click on “Editor in Chief Area”

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - New Submission

Click on "New Submission" to see the newly submitted manuscripts.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Accept for Review

Each article has 3 choices for review action; Fast accept, Fast reject and Accept for Reveiw. If you want to send manuscript for reveiw process you should click on "Accept for reveiw".


A message will be sent to the author to inform author the manuscript has been accepted for review.


Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Invite Associated Editor

Then you can invite associate editor by clicking on "Invite AE".

In this step you if you click on "Editor in Chief Area" you can see that the manuscript in "Need invite AE". You also can invite associated editor from this part.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Ways to Invite Associated Editor

There are 3 options for inviting associate editor:

1. Invite a new associated editor

2. Search in the registered associated editors of the Journal

3. Select from the list

To invite a new associate editor click on [Register a new user as AE and proceed to invite] then write the name and the email of the reviewer.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Define Number of Reviewers and Deadline

At this step you should determine the number of reviewers and the deadline for review.

An email will be sent to associated editor to inform the invitation.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Waiting for AE

If you visit the editor in chief area the manuscript is in Review Process in "Waiting for AE".

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Complete Review by AE, Need to Make Decision

When reveiw process completed the manuscript will be seen in "Complete Review by Ae, Needs to Make Decision". Therfore by clicking on it you can submit your final decision.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Make A Decision

Click on Make a decision.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Submite EIC Comments

In this step you can find reveiwers and associate editor's decision. Then you can select rhe final decision.