
User Name and Password Recovery

Authorial Area - Click on Authorial Area

User Name and Password Recovery - How to Recover Your Username and Password - Forgot User Name

You should click on the Forgot Username and password button

Write your e-mail which you have previously registered and then click on the submit button, you will receive an e-mail containing your username.

An e-mail would be sent to you which informs you about your username.

User Name and Password Recovery - Forgot Password

User Name and Password Recovery - Forgot Password - Recover Your Password by E-mail

Write your the e-mail which you have written during registration process and then click SUBMIT. You will receive a reset password.

User Name and Password Recovery - Forgot Password - Recover Your Password by User Name

Write your the Username which you have written during registration process and then click SUBMIT and a reset password is sent to your mailbox.

Authorial Area

Authorial Area - Click on Authorial Area

Authorial Area - Click on Authorial Area - Click on Authorial Area

1.1. Click on Authorial Area

To start the submission wizard after registration click on Authorial Area

Authorial Area - Submit a New Manuscript

Authorial Area - Submit a New Manuscript - Submit a New Manuscript

To start the wizard click on Submit a New Manuscript

Authorial Area - Type and Title

Authorial Area - Type a - Type and Title

First of all clarify type of article and write its title. Running Title is a shorter version of the title.

Authorial Area - Number of Authors

Authorial Area - Number of Authors - Number of Authors

Determine the number of authors and click on Update/Continue.

Fill in the blank fields and click the tick of corresponding author and then click on save & next

Authorial Area - Manuscript Files

Authorial Area - Manuscript Files - Manuscript Files

In this step upload files in requested format and then click on save & next

Authorial Area - Manuscript Files - Full-Text Manuscript With Figures

Upload full-text of the manuscript as a word file with figures and everything

Authorial Area - Manuscript Files - Full-Text Manuscript Without Figures

Upload full-text of the manuscript as a word file WITHOUT any figure. This file will be converted to the PDF.

Authorial Area - Manuscript Files - Figures

Upload each Figure separately as an individual file in the format of .jpg, .png or .tif

Authorial Area - Appendices

Authorial Area - Appendices - Implication

In this step you should write implication of your article. Some samples are provided here

Authorial Area - Appendices - Acknowledgment

Please write any other information like Funancial Disclosure, Funding/Support and etc in this box.

Authorial Area - Classification and Keywords

Authorial Area - Classification and Keywords - Keywords

Write some proper keywords. It is strongly recommended that the keywords be choosen from the MeSH.

Authorial Area - Other Files and Documents

Authorial Area - Other Files and Documents - Cover Letter

In cover letter you should state that:
a) The manuscript has not been and will not be published elsewhere or submitted elsewhere for publication.
b) To prevent the information on potential conflict of interest for authors from being overlooked or misplaced, mention this information in the cover letter.
c) Ethics of experimentation/Informed consent: The cover letter must include a statement declaring that the study complies with current ethical considerations.

Authorial Area - Other Files and Documents - Copyright

Read the copyright statement and check the box if you are agree.

Authorial Area - Other Files and Documents - Requested Editor

You can choose your favorite Editor from this drop down.

Authorial Area - Other Files and Documents - Other Files

You can upload any extera files that would not fit into other steps but you think that it is important.

Authorial Area - End of Submission Wizard

Authorial Area - End of Submission Wizard - End of Submission Wizard

After receiving bellow message, confirmation email and Text masseage will be sent to author's email address and cell phone.

Authorial Area - Final Step

Authorial Area - Final Step - Download PDF of Your Manuscript

Download the PDF and check it. If there are somethings wrong you can backward and modify it, then regenerate the PDF.

Authorial Area - Final Step - Confirm the Submission

If there is no problem with your manuscript simply check the two items and click on Approve by Author.

Reviewer Area

Reviewer Area - New Invitation

Reviewer Area - New Invitation - New Invitation

After you sign in to the website by going to the Reviewer Area, If there is any new invitation it will be specified like this:

Reviewer Area - Accept or Decline the New Invitation

Reviewer Area - Accept or Decline the New Invitation - Accept or Decline the New Invitation

By clicking on the new invitation you can reach to the page bellow which you can Accept the invitation or decline the invitation.

Reviewer Area - Deadline to Complete the Task

Reviewer Area - Deadline to Complete the Task - Deadline to Complete the Task

If you accept the invitation according to the deadline you have to complete the task. The deadline is accessible through:

Reviewer Area - Accept the New Invitation

Reviewer Area - Accept the New Invitation - Accept the New Invitation

For accepting the invitation click on the accept invitation button Like this:

Reviewer Area - Put the Comments

Reviewer Area - Put the Comments - Put the Comments

A new page will be open and ask for your comments:

Reviewer Area - Submite Reviewers Comments

Reviewer Area - Submite Reviewers Comments - Submite Reviewers C

By clicking on the submit comments a new page will be open which you can write 2 different kinds of comments:

Reviewer Area - Submite Reviewers Comments - Ordinary Comments

The first comment will be visible for Associate editor and the Author

Reviewer Area - Submite Reviewers Comments - Confidential Commen

This one is a kind of private message between the Associate editor and the Reviewer.

By clicking on the submit button the task will be completed.

Reviewer Area - Decline the New Invitation

Reviewer Area - Decline the New Invitation - Decline the New Invitation

In the situation you want to decline the invitation click on the decline invitation button

Reviewer Area - Declare your Reasons

Reviewer Area - Declare your Reasons - Declare your Reasons

A new page will be open and ask you to submit the reason you want to decline. By click on the submit button the process will be ended.

Associate Editor Area

Associate Editor Area - Associate Editor Area

Associate Editor Area - Associate Editor Area - Associate Editor Area

When you are invited as Associate Editor for a manuscript you will be notified by a Email and also text massage on your cell phone.
When you login to the website with your user name and password, click on "Associate Editor Area" that is marked by a red number. This red number indicates that you have a task in this area.

Associate Editor Area - Associate Editor Area - New Invitation

In "Associate Editor Area" click on new invitation. The number in front of each item shows the number of manuscript that you are invite to review as associate editor.

Associate Editor Area - Associate Editor Area - Pending Assigments

In "Pending Assignments" you can find the manuscripts that you are accepted to review but did not complete the review yet.

Associate Editor Area - Associate Editor Area - View AEs Activity

"View AEs Activity" you can find the reviews that you completed them.

Associate Editor Area - Associate Editor Area - View All Reviewers and Activity

You can click on "View All Reviewers and Activity" to find the reviewers that are good in review (like answer on time).

Associate Editor Area - Accept Invitation

Associate Editor Area - Accept Invitation - Accept Invitation

You can find the PDF and other information of the manuscript by clicking the title of manuscript. If you are agree to review click on "Accept Invitation"

Associate Editor Area - Decline Invitation

Associate Editor Area - Decline Invitation - Decline Invitation

Click on "Decline Invitation" if you are not going to accept the invitation.

Associate Editor Area - View Reviewers

Associate Editor Area - Invite Reviewers - Invite Reviewers

If you accepted the invitation in the next page click on "Invite Reviewers".

Associate Editor Area - Invite Reviewers

Associate Editor Area - Invite Reviewers - Register a new reviewer

that you already know but is not in the list. You should insert the name and Email of the specific person in this case.

Associate Editor Area - Invite Reviewers - Search in Reviewers

Search through the existing reviewers

Associate Editor Area - Invite Reviewers - Current Reviewers

Invite the reviewers directly from the reviewers list.

Associate Editor Area - Set the Deadline

Associate Editor Area - Set the Deadline - Set the Deadline

In this page you will set the deadline for the reviewer

Associate Editor Area - Compose Message

Associate Editor Area - Compose Message - Compose Message

In this page you will see the Email that will be sent to the reviewer. Modify it if needed and then click on "proceed".

Associate Editor Area - Submit AE Decision

Associate Editor Area - Submit AE Decision - Submit AE Decision

When all reviewers answered to the invitation and completed their tasks the "Submit AE Decision" will be activated for associate editor. Click on this bottom to submit your comment.

Associate Editor Area - Submit AE Decision - Manuscript Information

You can find some information about the manuscript like ID, number of revisions and the reviewers comments in here.

Associate Editor Area - Submit AE Decision - Submit AE Comments

When all reviewers answered to the invitation and completed their tasks the "Submit AE Decision" will be activated for associate editor. Click on this bottom to submit your comment.

Editor in Chief Area

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area

Sign in with your account and click on “Editor in Chief Area”

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - New Submission

Click on "New Submission" to see the newly submitted manuscripts.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Accept for Review

Each article has 3 choices for review action; Fast accept, Fast reject and Accept for Reveiw. If you want to send manuscript for reveiw process you should click on "Accept for reveiw".


A message will be sent to the author to inform author the manuscript has been accepted for review.


Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Invite Associated Editor

Then you can invite associate editor by clicking on "Invite AE".

In this step you if you click on "Editor in Chief Area" you can see that the manuscript in "Need invite AE". You also can invite associated editor from this part.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Ways to Invite Associated Editor

There are 3 options for inviting associate editor:

1. Invite a new associated editor

2. Search in the registered associated editors of the Journal

3. Select from the list

To invite a new associate editor click on [Register a new user as AE and proceed to invite] then write the name and the email of the reviewer.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Define Number of Reviewers and Deadline

At this step you should determine the number of reviewers and the deadline for review.

An email will be sent to associated editor to inform the invitation.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Waiting for AE

If you visit the editor in chief area the manuscript is in Review Process in "Waiting for AE".

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Complete Review by AE, Need to Make Decision

When reveiw process completed the manuscript will be seen in "Complete Review by Ae, Needs to Make Decision". Therfore by clicking on it you can submit your final decision.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Make A Decision

Click on Make a decision.

Editor in Chief Area - Editor in Chief Area - Submite EIC Comments

In this step you can find reveiwers and associate editor's decision. Then you can select rhe final decision.

Subscription Area

Subscription Area - Subscription Area

Subscription Area - Add a New Email Subscription

Click add a New Email Subscription

Subscription Area - Subscription Area-Fill the Form

Fill in this form to subscribe and save the information Consider the notes

Subscription Area - Email Inbox

Subscription Area - Email Inbox - Email Inbox

To check the e-mails Click where the red arrow points

Subscription Area - Email Inbox - The e-mail Inbox Appearance

By clicking the ID numbers it is possible to view the e-mails.

Subscription Area - SMS Inbox

Subscription Area - SMS Inbox - SMS Inbox

To check SMS inbox Click where the red arrow points

Subscription Area - Cancel Receiving SMS

Subscription Area - Cancel Receiving SMS - Cancel Receiving SMS

Click where the red arrow points

Subscription Area - How to Receive Hardcopies

Subscription Area - How to Receive Hardcopies - How to Receive Hardcopies

Click where the red arrow points

Subscription Area - How to Receive Hardcopies - Fill in the Form

To receive hardcopies please fill the form and consider the explanations

Subscription Area - Active Subscription

Subscription Area - Active Subscription - Active Subscription

To activate subcription and edit information click on this link

Subscription Area - Active Subscription - Activate or Edit

By clicking edit it is possible to edit the personal infomation By Clicking renew it is possible to change the orders of the number of hardcopies

Subscription Area - Deactive the Order

Subscription Area - Deactive the Order - Deactive the Order

Click where the red arrow points

Payment Area

Payment Area - Payment Area

Payment Area - Payment Area -Payment Area

Sign in first and click on the payment area

Payment Area - Invoice -Apply a Coupon Code

Choose one of the pay or apply a coupon code (if you have recieved any coupon code from editor in chief)

Payment Area - Notificaions

Payment Area - Notificaions - Notificaions

If there is any subscription, the page as below can be seen, click on the pending item

Payment Area - Basket

Payment Area - Basket - Basket

Confirm the basket and proceed to payment

Payment Area - Invoice

Payment Area - Invoice -Pending Items

In the payment area, click on the pending item in the Invoice part

Payment Area - Invoice -Enter Your Coupon Code

Enter your coupon code as i.e. below

You see the page as below, click on back to Invoice

Payment Area - Invoice -Select Online Pay Methode

After click on pay link, the page as below is shown

After choosing one of the E-Pay, the page as below is shown, click on back to Invoice

Payment Area - Invoice -Proceed to Pay

Click on Proceed in Invoice part

Payment Area - Invoice -Finilize the Payment

After finishing the process,in Invoice part, click on paid and archived items, you can see the page as below